
Deploy Wrapper

Learn how to deploy the CrossChainVRFWrapper contract to handle cross-chain VRF requests.

Once you have set up your Chainlink VRF subscription and have your LINK tokens ready, the next step is to deploy the CrossChainVRFWrapper contract. This contract will act as the bridge between your unsupported L1 and the Chainlink VRF network on a supported L1, enabling cross-chain requests for random words.


Before deployment, make sure you have:

  • A valid Chainlink VRF Subscription ID (see previous section for details).
  • The TeleporterMessenger contract address on your supported L1 (e.g., Avalanche Fuji).

Deploy the Contract

Using the forge create command, deploy the CrossChainVRFWrapper contract to the supported L1 (e.g., Avalanche Fuji).

forge create --rpc-url <RPC_URL> --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> src/CrossChainVRFWrapper.sol:CrossChainVRFWrapper --constructor-args <TELEPORTER_MESSENGER_ADDRESS>

Replace the following:

  • <RPC_URL>: The RPC URL for the L1.
  • <PRIVATE_KEY>: The private key for the account used to deploy the contract.
  • <TELEPORTER_MESSENGER_ADDRESS>: The address of the deployed TeleporterMessenger contract.

After deployment, save the Deployed to address in an environment variable for future use.

export VRF_WRAPPER=<address>

Verify the Deployment

After deploying the contract, verify that the CrossChainVRFWrapper has been successfully deployed by checking its address on a block explorer.

Configure Authorized Subscriptions

Once deployed, the CrossChainVRFWrapper contract needs to be configured with authorized subscriptions to process requests for random words.

  • Call the addAuthorizedAddress function to authorize a specific address with a given subscription ID.
  • This ensures that only authorized addresses can request random words via the wrapper.
cast send --rpc-url <RPC_URL> --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> $VRF_WRAPPER "addAuthorizedAddress(address caller, uint256 subscriptionId)" <CALLER_ADDRESS> <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>

Replace the following:

  • <CALLER_ADDRESS>: The address that will be authorized to request random words.
  • <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>: The ID of your Chainlink VRF subscription.

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